Word to PDF

Word to PDF
How to Convert Word to PDF?
With us stepping into a digital world, few would likely visit a tech-free life. When it comes to the file formats that the company utilise, most businesses are not picky. They simply use the most used file formats as a logical extension of their software products.
The Microsoft Office suite is the best example. Even though Word is a beautiful tool for word processing, text editing, and file formatting, a Word file (.docx) is not the best file format for storing, archiving, delivering sensitive and confidential data, or internet sharing.
In reality, PDF is an appropriate file format for many of your business papers. Still not convinced? We will tell you why switching to PDF is beneficial to your company.
Why do you need to convert Word to PDF?
The six advantages of PDF for your company
It is inexpensive to work with PDF!
Viewing a PDF file does not necessitate the purchase of any expensive software. There are many free PDF readers available for download for any operating system. Digitally disseminating PDF documents is simple and inexpensive.
PDF files can be accessed by anyone, anytime, and from any location.
Anyone on any system can share, view, and print PDF documents, regardless of the operating system, original programme, or typefaces. PDF ensures that files transmitted around the world can be viewed on various computer systems while maintaining the original document's style and feel.
PDF preserves all documents attributes
All document information from the source file is preserved in PDF format, including text structure, formatting elements, visual elements, and vector graphics. When converting to PDF, multimedia capabilities like hyperlinks, markup, text notes, videos, and audio are all preserved.
Pdf safely processes your Critical digital documents.
The PDF format enables a variety of encryption methods and digital signatures, and password-protected viewing, copying, and printing. It is also feasible to add a digital seal to your secret PDF documents to confirm their authenticity and integrity.
The recipient of a digitally sealed copy can be confident that it has not been tampered with and that the document's source has been identified. As a result, the PDF format is ideal for sending private documents over the internet or using a Web browser application.
Governmental organisations, lawyers, accountants, and other sensitive-data sharers rely on PDFs to preserve their sensitive papers because of their high-security levels.
PDF allows for file downsizing without sacrificing quality.
PDF enables significant file reduction. The PDF standard significantly decreases document size while maintaining the quality of the original content.
Converting is especially important when looking at visual aids such as graphs and charts that may contain little detail. Still, it also allows you to magnify information printed in small font sizes that you might otherwise miss.
When we convert word into PDF, the size of a document significantly reduces the images and spreadsheets. A small PDF file allows it to be quickly sent and shared, resulting in significant savings in email server storage and traffic congestion.
Extra features make working with PDF a breeze.
PDF documents are more easily searchable, making them extremely user-friendly. If you receive a lengthy business document, you can use the search option to locate what you need by simply typing in a keyword or phrase.
PDF files help embed the Metadata, which is necessary for any subsequent document processing, such as archiving, but they have no bearing on its final appearance.
PDF is also growing in popularity because it allows you to add extra features like reading directions and alternative explanatory text for photos.
Convert Word to PDF
There are many ways you can convert your Word document into a PDF. You can use online converters, desktop converters, or even Word itself!
If you want to convert your Word document into a PDF, we recommend using an online converter like PDF Pro. It’s quick, easy to use, and best of all, it’s free!
There are two methods we will try to explain are as follows;
If understanding all the above aspects seems a bit difficult, then opt for our free online converter WORD to PDF.
Any Microsoft Word document can be dragged and dropped onto this page.
Wait while this tool converts the Word file you've supplied to PDF format.
Preview the results page and continue adjusting if necessary.
To save your PDF, click the "Download" button.
Still not convinced? Well, try it by yourself!
METHOD #2 - USING Microsoft Word
Open Microsoft word.
Click on “FILE”
Tap “Save As”
Click “Save as PDF"
Click "Best for Printing"
Select “Save” location
This will save a PDF copy of your Word document to the location you specify.
FILE SIZE - up to 100 MB
Option to save to
● Go to dropbox.com and log in.
● Hover your mouse over the file you want to convert and select "..." (ellipsis).
● Hover your mouse over Save as... and select the desired file type from the drop-down menu.
● Go to drive.google.com on your PC.
● Click New in the top left corner, then File Upload or Folder Upload.
● Select the file or folder that you'd like to upload.
● Simply double-click your PDF to open it in your computer's default PDF reader; if you have more than one PDF reader, you may be prompted to choose one after double-clicking the PDF.
● On a Windows machine, you may also convert your Word document to a PDF using the "Save as" menu.
Now that you have already known the importance of converting word doc to PDF, we hope conversion is no more a nightmare for you! We welcome you to the seamless world of conversion at Kwebby where you can get all types of file conversion in one-stop having great results with the same formatting and same layout!
Convert More
Here are some more converters if you like or use our all-in-one PDF converter here.