Word Counter.

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Total Words: 0 | Total Characters: 0

About Word Counter

Are you looking for a word counter tool?

Word Counter Tools is the best and easiest way to count your words. It’s a free online tool that helps you find out how many words are in your document, blog or novel. You can even use it on documents in different languages!

With this free online tool, counting words has never been easier! Just type your text into the box below, click "Count Words" and see how many words there are. If you're not sure if it's working correctly just double-check by clicking "Check Count". And don't worry about formatting - we'll take care of all that for you. So what are you waiting for? Try our word counter now!

Count by Characters •

Count by Words •

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Online and Free •

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Easy to use

We allow you to copy the text from this tool, so don't worry about formatting or special characters. And this counter works with all different languages including: English, French, Spanish, German and more! But why count

Counts the words in your document

Helps you stay on topic with your content

Provides word count in real-time for blogs, novels, and other documents

Track changes to see what has changed between drafts

Click here to start using our word counter tools today!

If you're worried about your blog, novel, or other content being too long to stay relevant on the internet, then use this Word Counter. It's an awesome tool that counts how many words are in a document and helps people know if they need to shorten their work before publishing it online. Enter details above for more information!
