Htaccess Redirect Generator

About Htaccess Redirect Generator
Do you need to redirect a page on your website?
The Htaccess Redirect Generator is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to create an .htaccess file. It’s easy and straightforward, so there’s no reason not to use it. You can generate all of the necessary code in just a few minutes!
This generator will help you get the job done quickly and easily without having to do any heavy lifting. All you have to do is enter in what type of redirect you want and then input the URL that needs redirected. That's it! And if you're looking for other tools, we've got those too! Check them out here!
Also, check out the Fake address generator tool here.
It's FREE to use
The code is fully open-source!
The generator can create an .htaccess file that will redirect a page on your website in both the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
If you're looking to get things done quickly and easily, this is definitely the tool for you! Scroll down for download instructions!
What Would You Like To Redirect Saves time and hassle when implementing a redirect
Easy to navigate interface that will help even the least tech savvy person
Generate .htaccess file code in just seconds
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Checkout Keyword Density Checker to check your keyword's density.
If you are looking for an easy way to redirect a URL from one domain name to another, then the Htaccess Redirect Generator is here for your rescue. This tool will allow you to generate code that can be used in your .htaccess file so all of those pesky URLs get redirected with ease. All it takes is selecting what type of redirect you want and inputting the website's old address into the generator. It couldn't be any easier! Want more info? Watch this video!