Moz Backlink Extractor

Enter a URL
About Moz Backlink Extractor
Are you looking for a new backlink extraction tool?
The Moz Backlink Extractor is the best way to find out who your competitors are and what techniques they're using. It's easy to use, too! Just enter a URL into the input box, select what type of links you want (nofollow or follow), and hit "Extract Links." You'll get all of the links from that page in an instant. This is perfect for SEO professionals who need to know where their competition is getting their backlinks from so they can try to replicate them with their own site.
If you're tired of trying to figure out how many nofollowed links your competitor has on their site, then this tool will be perfect for you. You don't have to worry about manually counting anymore because it does it automatically! And if you ever need help figuring anything out, just shoot us an email at [email protected] and we'll be happy to answer any questions that come up along the way. We love hearing feedback from our customers!
You can see which links on your competitor's site are dofollow, or nofollow (the tool will tell you)
You can see where they're getting their links from (also tells you if it's a blog comment link, homepage link etc.)
In our tests, this seemed to be the most accurate.
Make SEO and content marketing easier
Get a huge list of all the backlinks for a website
Filter through these links by their follow or nofollow attributes
Lots of other cool features in the works!
Click here now and sign up for a free trial today!
The Moz Backlink Extractor is an awesome new tool that will extract all of the links from a URL. Not only can it extract all of the links, but you can also filter them by which ones are nofollowed. This is great for finding out who your competitors backlinks come from and whether or not they're using any link spamming techniques to build their rankings in search engines like Google. It's really easy to use too! Just enter a URL into the input box, select what type of links you want (nofollow or follow), and hit "Extract Links." Watch Video for more info