Image to Base64

Select image to convert
(Size Limit: 2MB per file | Supported Formats: JPEG & PNG)
About Image to Base64
Do you want to encode your images in Base64 format?
The Image to Base64 Tools is the best way to convert your images into BASE64 encoded format. You can use this tool for encoding any HTML, CSS, EML and other text documents which also includes images. All you need to do is select your image and let the tool work for you.
This online converter will help you encode an image into base 64 code with just a few clicks of button. It's easy-to-use interface makes it possible for anyone without coding knowledge or experience to convert their favorite pictures into base 64 code in seconds! You don't have anything more than one click away from converting any picture on the internet into base 64 coded data! Try it now!
Image to Base64 Converter does what?
- This tool converts the images into Base64 data for easy storage.
- All image formats are supported, including PNG, JPEG, and GIF.
- Image upload limit is calculated in megabytes.
- Base64-encoded image generates HTML code for IMG with Base64 as src (data source).
- The CSS background code of the image with an embedded binary stream is also generated.
- Image encoding tool supports loading an image from a file to transform the format into Base64. Click on the Upload Image button and select File.
- Image to Base64 Online works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
Convert images to Base64 in few clicks
No more complex HTML codes that's hard to read
Do it from your browser with no downloads
Save time and avoid mistakes by using the right tool
Click here now and start converting your favorite pictures today!
We hope you loved our overview of this online image to base64 converter. It is a quick and easy way for you to convert your images into BASE64 encoded format in just few clicks. If you want an even quicker solution, all you need to do is enter the details above and we will send it right away! You can also download the tool if that suits your needs better, but either way - enjoy!