Wordpress Theme Detector

About Wordpress Theme Detector
Do you want to know what the theme of a Wordpress blog is?
The best way to find out what the theme of a website is, is by using our online tool. It’s fast and easy, and it will save you time when looking for new themes. You can also use this tool if you are building your own site and need help deciding on a design.
This tool will make finding your perfect WordPress Theme easier than ever before! With just one click, we’ll tell you which theme that blog or website uses so that you can get started with designing right away. And don't worry about being stuck with an outdated design - because as soon as something better comes along, we'll let you know!
WPDetector displays all the plugins and themes used to build any WordPress website. It also lets you know what content management system a website is using - over 50+ types, making WPDetector highly valuable.
How our WordPress theme detector works ?
"What WordPress theme is this?" It's a question we often hear, and one we ask ourselves when we notice an amazing website.
You want to find out what WordPress theme a site is using? When you search their domain name, our WordPress Theme Detector automatically scans the source code and reports back on the website's theme.
Because it automatically uses the right detection technique, our WordPress theme is 100% accurate and also free.
Also, check out the Check GZIP compression tool here.
Save time by detecting any wordpress blog or website’s theme
You can use this tool to help you decide which WordPress theme is right for your new blog or website. You’ll also be able to see what it looks like so that when you install the new design, your site will already look just like the example.
Searching for a Wordpress theme has never been easier...Detect WordPress Theme in one click
Save your precious time and money
With this tool, you can detect WordPress Themes without much effort
Click here now to start detecting themes today!
Conclusion paragraph: If you’ve ever wondered what the theme of a blog or website is at first glance, this tool can help. One click on the button and your screen will be filled with information about all aspects of that site’s design including fonts, colors, header images and more. It's perfect for designers who want to build their own sites as well as webmasters who need to keep up with trends in WordPress design so they know how customers are responding these days. Check out our demo now!