Remove Duplicate Lines

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About Remove Duplicate Lines
Do you have duplicate lines in your document?
Duplicate lines are never fun to deal with. And if you're working on a large document, you can end up wasting a lot of time trying to find and eliminate them. It's not impossible though, especially if you have Excel handy. Let's take a look at how we can use it to. It's really easy to use, and it only takes one click! Just enter the text into the form above, and then click "Remove." You'll see how all of those pesky duplicates are gone in an instant.
We know that having duplicate lines can be frustrating when writing a blog post or document. That’s why we created this free tool to help you find them quickly and easily so you can get back to what matters most – creating great content for your readers!
This tool will compare all the lines in your text and then find and remove all of the identical lines. You can then paste back the newly cleaned unique text into a file for saving.
I've also added an option to alphabetize the lines after all of the duplicate lines have been deleted. You can sort remaining lines in either direction if you would like.
Speedy and time-saving
Free, accessible, easy-to-use tool
Fast Results in seconds!
Easy to use interface
Click below now to remove all of those pesky duplicates with just one click!
The team at Duplicate Remover Tool is excited to share their newest tool with you. With a single click of the mouse, this free online service can help remove all duplicate lines from your document or blog post in seconds. Now, it’s never been easier to make sure that what you write will be unique and original before you hit publish! If you are interested in adding an extra layer of protection for your work by removing duplicates automatically after publishing then check out our premium plans here . We hope this helps when working on any type of project - both personal and professional! What has been one situation where using our tool would have helped?