How To Start A Blog in 2025 (Complete Guide)
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Are u new to blogging? Doesn’t know where and how to start a blog? In this tutorial, I will try to answer all the questions you have in mind in detail. Blogging is an art of sharing your ideas with the online world. You may have read so many successful blogger’s stories on social media how they are making fortune doing blogging. You don’t need any specialized skills or knowledge in order to start a blog but with this simple guide, You can create a blog within 15 minutes. I’ll not only tell you how to create a blog but also quick tips to improve your blog’s presence online.
I created my first blog back in 2006, I was wondering and reading many tutorials on how to start a blog with minimal knowledge just like you. It wasn’t easy to start and manage a blog back then because of lack of resources but it’s a different story nowadays. 12 Years of the journey of relationships, knowledge, sharing and interacting with the internet users are so captivating. On top of it, You will be earning a good income which will keep you motivated throughout the process.
1 Real Questions Is – Why start blogging?
You may still have questions in mind as to why bother to start a blog or what are the benefits if I do or likewise. There are many perks of starting a blog like;
- Earn From Home. It’s the biggest and primary goal of every new blogger have in mind. Who doesn’t love money right? If you have something in mind which can benefit the world then in return you will get your rewards from leading Ad agencies like Google-owned adsense.com.
- Give a boost to your business. If you own a family business or have something to offer online then the blogging platform can give more exposure that u can’t even imagine. Your customers can find you easily and can gain some knowledge and information about your product and services you offer.
- Writers Home. If you’ve got the art of writing then look no further rather than establish yourself as a blogger or writer by sharing your pieces to the world. Best selling author’s second home is their blog as they share their views, small writing pieces and much more in their blogs online. Here are the lists of popular author’s blogs.
At this stage, I assume you made up your mind to start a blog, If yes then keep reading. If you still have questions then please do share in the comment section below, I’ll be glad to help you with whatever questions you have for me.
2 Steps To Start A Blog in 2020
Here are a few steps in order to start a blog;
- Your Big Idea to start a blog
- Shortlist a Perfect Domain Name for your blog
- Choose a Blogging Platform
- Find A Reliable Host
- Install and Configure WordPress
- Start Using Your Blog
With the above-mentioned simple steps and described in detail below, You can create and start your blog effectively by yourself.
3 STEP 1: Your Big Idea to start a blog
Before start creating a blog, You have to note down your big idea to start one. If you run a business providing product or services then you have to configure your blog that way. For example, You deal with groceries offline and now want to target online audience then you should create a roadmap like posting your product reviews, Testimonials of your customers, Upcoming products etc. You have to engage your audience in order to build your community. here are a few points that will clarify your queries;
- Your blog must be directly related to your business or product/services you offer. Blogging is all about writing, Therefore you have to lay down your big ideas about information related to your blog or services.
- If you have an idea to cover general topics like usual bloggers then you have to create roadmap like Topics, Categories, etc. You must choose a generic specific niche in order to start writing about stuff on the internet or likewise.
- If you’re struggling with the ”Big Idea”, Then you have to look for a niche you can work on. For example, You are a good cook and you know varieties of recipes no one even heard of, Then it’s your time to shine and layout your recipes as draft somewhere and post piece by piece.
If above mention points can’t lead you somewhere, Then you have to just start creating a blog and develop your interests in the process.
4 STEP 2: Shortlist a Perfect Domain Name
After you get your BIG idea ready to implement, now it’s time to get a perfect domain name for your blog. A domain name is your identity on the world wide web where you will start blogging and share it with the world. here are a few steps to find your domain name;
Note: You don’t need to buy anything at this point. Just search for your desired domain name for your blog.
> Search for your desired one in the field box;
Sometimes you will get this message that “Your Domain.com is not available”.
4.1 Up to 60% OFF NEW Hosting + $4.99 on Select Domains
You can either choose other extensions i.e. .net or .org likewise. But I suggest you stick with ”.com” because it is common domain extension which is good for starters and creates a brand name out of it. Also, if you want to tell your website to your friends or customer “.com” is easy to recall extension.
Now, Remember or copy your choice of a domain name which we will use for laters.
Pro TIP: Include your targeted keyword in your domain name. For example, if you want to start food recipes blog then do include “food” or “food recipes” in your domain name i.e. joefoodrecipe.com for instance.
5 STEP 3: Choose a Blogging Platform
After shortlisting your desired domain name now its time to choose a preferred blogging platform. What does it mean? well, it means a script where you will run your blog, Where you can manage everything like photos, videos, posts, etc.
5.1 Points to keep in mind before choosing a blogging platform as a beginner;
- Easy To Set Up. Well, this is a very important factor while choosing as a beginner because I assume you don’t know any skills or knowledge about setting up the script manually. WordPress.org is integrated with leading hosting providers as its very user-friendly.
- Easy To Manage. Suppose, You want to start a photography blog, you may have various images or videos to store on the server online then a platform should be easy to use and manage your files. WordPress.org have a media section where you can manage all your media files easily.
- Easy to Customize. If you have zero or little knowledge about designing and stuff and it’s obvious you want to stand out online with an awesome theme or page customization according to your requirements then you need easy to customized blogging platform not in terms of designing but other factors which includes blog pages, post pages, beginner friendly admin interface etc. WordPress.org have extensive plugins database where you can customize and develop whatever you want.
- Money Making Friendly. It’s obvious if you want to develop a blog and you have some money making ideas in your mind you must run a blog on something which won’t restrict you like Wix, blogger, Tumblr does. WordPress.org the is the best in the business because it will give you the freedom to do anything.
Last and not the least i.e FREEDOM! What’s the point if you don’t have the freedom to do anything you’re paying for right? so wordpress.org wins with a larger margin.
5.2 Why not Free Blogging Platform Like Blogger, Wix, Tumblr?
- Restrictions and Limitations. I really don’t recommend free platforms where you don’t have that freedom to customize or choose the way you want because your site will be your identity and you dont want to lose a single customer or user coming in your way with a disappointment.
- Less Blogger Friendly. Well if you want to take blogging seriously then you will not be pleased with the features they offer because of limitation it will be difficult to rank your work on search engines.
- Slow Page Speeds. In today’s fast pace world or with fiber technology every users or customer wants to deliver your page data as fast as possible, Therefore with free stuff comes with some limitation as low page loads is one of them.
5.3 So you may have convinced till now WordPress.org is being best of all mentioned above. Some of its features are;
- It controls each and every aspect of your blog whether its posts, SEO, page designing etc.
- Extra features like integration of forums (build communities), white label (create your own brand), e-commerce, membership model websites etc.
- Extensive database of wordpress themes and plugins available in their depository.
- WordPress.org is Search Engine Friendly where you can mold your plugin according to your need.
Therefore, If you’re convinced WordPress.org is your choice then follow the next steps or if you’ve still questions in mind then please comment below, We will help you out.
6 STEP 4: Find A Reliable Host
If you’re convinced WordPress being best possible blogging platform out there, Now you must know that WordPress is downloadable PHP script, WordPress.org alone can’t make your blog live on the internet. Therefore, to host scripts like WordPress you need hosting account where your script will be installed and accessible to you and your users or customers.
6.1 Now Real Question is – Which is the most reliable host?
In my 12 years of experience, I have used many hosts you can’t even imagine. You can call me BETA Tester as I like to try out new exciting things available online. In my experience best-in-market is HOSTGATOR. I’m not being biased but they are the best in business because of many factors e.g. services, record uptime, and add-ons they offer in their services.
6.2 Get started with WordPress! Use the one-click install to start that Blog you’ve always wanted!
6.3 A Few points why Hostgator is best in business;
- Fast loading servers
- One click install applications
- Secured web interface
- User-friendly Panel (Uses Cpanel)
- Easy Integration of domain
- Reliable hosting
- Money Back Guarantee (30 days No Questions Asked)
- Free migration
- Flexible Billing Options
- 24×7 Tech Support available.
And list contineus…
If you’re convinced, Then head to Hostgator > Choose a plan > I recommend you to use ”business plan” because they offer positive SSL certificate, Dedicated IP and free SEO Tools included in this plan which will be the best way to kickstart your blog.
Then click on the big yellow button “Sign Up Now”
Now, on next page enter the domain name you have shortlisted above and fill out form details with your personal information.
After entering your domain, you must select ”Domain Privacy Protection” to protect your identity from spammers online.
Afterward, enter your billing information (Be sure its correct as per your payment method) and payment details in the right box (Paypal or credit card or custom ones as per your country)
NOTE: They have many add-ons Pre-selected in your order form which is not necessary at this stage, therefore you have to de-select all those options as described below;
After entering your billing details click on big yellow button ”Checkout Now” to pay the outstanding amount.
After a successful checkout, Hostgator will send your order details via mail.
7 STEP 5: Install and Configure WordPress
Login to your email and find “Your Account Info” and click on your panel login link mentioned in your email like below;
Next page > login with your username and password available in your mail as in the previous step.
After successful login, > Click on “Build a New WordPress Site” (Under Popular Links Section).
On next page choose your domain left the drop-down menu, leave directory empty and click on “next”
On next page > Follow the following steps mentioned in the screenshot below;
- Enter your desired Blog title (Your domain name with .com or likewise)
- Admin username (Usually admin itself)
- Desired first name
- Desired last name
- Your email (create webmail and add – [email protected] or use your public mail address)
- Check TOS agreement box
- Click on Install and You’re Done!
Now your installation of WordPress is complete. Please note down following things
- Copy these details and save it somewhere.
- Click on login to access your WordPress login URL (Basically https://{inseryourdomain}/wp-admin)
Now Login with your credentials you copied above.
8 Congratulations! your blog is ready
9 STEP 6: Start Using Your Blog
Well done! You’ve done everything stated above, now get an overview of the basics of WordPress described in detailed here Or follow the instructions below;
10 Select Your Theme
After you login into your WordPress, the first thing you need to do is a select new theme for your blog;
- Mouse Hover to “Appearance” on the left panel
- Then click on themes.
- Then, Click on “Add New” Button on the top.
- Search for your favorite themes available in depository
- Then, Click on ‘install” and “activate”.
11 Write Your First Blog
After selection of them, follow the below instructions to write your first ever blog;
- Header over to dashboard, then mouse hover to “Posts“
- Then click on ‘Add New“
- Then add your blog title, description, images and add a featured image.
- Then click “Publish“.
Hurray, you posted your first blog!
12 What’s next?
Now go ahead to WordPress Tutorials by us where you can find the latest WordPress tips and tricks which is beginner friendly.
12.1 Resources;
Money Robot Submitter Review (Is It Still Worth in 2022)How to Migrate WordPress Site to New Host or Server: A Step-by-Step Guide12+ Best Article Rewriters & Spinners (Mostly Free!)7 Ultimate Facebook Messenger bots for business (All Are FREE)10+ Best Plagiarism Checker (Mostly Free)