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How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress

How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress

Are you ready to give your WordPress site a fresh, organized look by creating a separate page for all your amazing blog posts?

I know, it sounds like a big step, but trust me, it’s easier than tying your shoes! This guide will show you the nitty-gritty on how to make a separate blog page in WordPress, so your visitors can easily find your latest adventures, tips, or stories.

From choosing the perfect spot for your new blog page to making it sparkle with your first blog post, we’re going to cover all the bases.

Whether you’re jazzing up your existing WordPress website or starting from scratch, I’m here to help you every step of the way.

Get excited, because you’re about to make your blog posts shine on their very own stage!

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How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress

Step 1: Creating Your New Pages

First, we’re going to set up a homepage and a blog page.

How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress 1

Picture this: one page is the welcoming face of your website, and the other is the bustling hub of all your fascinating blog posts. You won’t need to add any text just yet, so don’t sweat it! 🚀

Step 2: Setting Your Pages in WordPress

Next up, hop into your WordPress dashboard and find the SettingsReading section. Here’s where the magic happens!

Look for the ‘Your homepage displays’ option and click on ‘A static page’.

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This is where you pick the pages you made – one for your Home and one for your Blog post page. It’s like choosing the lead actors for your play! Don’t forget to hit ‘Save Changes’ to secure your masterpiece. 🌟

Step 3: Checking Your Pages

Curious to see what you’ve created?

Navigate to PagesAll Pages to find your new Home and Blog pages.

How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress 3

They’re now officially titled ‘Front Page’ and ‘Posts Page’.

Hit the ‘View’ link under the Blog page to sneak a peek. Depending on your WordPress theme, it might look plain now, but just you wait! 🎭

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Step 4: Jazzing Up Your Home Page

Now, it’s time to turn that blank canvas into a vibrant masterpiece. Your home page can shout from the rooftops about your amazing business, products, or services.

Not sure where to start? Check out our guide on creating a custom home page in WordPress. You’ll learn about adding vibrant cover images, sleek columns, and even galleries. The sky’s the limit! 🌈

Step 5: Customizing Your Blog Page

Happy with your blog page’s look? Perfect! If you’re ready to level up, and if your theme allows, jump into AppearanceEditor and start playing interior designer with your Blog page.

Add blocks, splash on some color, and arrange everything just the way you like it. Remember, your blog page is your stage – make it sparkle!

Once you’ve got it looking snazzy, hit ‘Save’ to show the world. 🌍

By following these steps, you’re not just creating pages; you’re crafting experiences for your visitors.

Each page reflects a part of your world, inviting readers and potential customers into your space with open arms. Remember, this is just the beginning of your website’s story.

Each post, each update, is another chapter in an unfolding tale that showcases your unique voice and vision.

Keep exploring, keep innovating, and most of all, keep sharing your story with the world. 🚀

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many blog posts can I display on my new blog page?

Oh, the sky’s the limit! Or, well, almost. WordPress lets you decide how many of your latest posts to show on your blog page. Just head to the SettingsReading section in your WordPress dashboard and pick a number. Whether it’s 5, 10, or even more, you get to choose how many adventures you share with the world!

Can I create a blog page that shows posts from specific categories only?

Absolutely! Creating category pages is like organizing your blog’s closet. With a few clicks, you can set up new pages that only display posts from the categories you choose. This keeps things neat and helps your visitors find exactly what they’re looking for. Just use the theme builder or a page builder plugin to start organizing your posts like a pro.

How do I make my blog posts look super cool on their separate page?

Get ready to jazz things up! With WordPress, you can customize your blog page into something unique. Add a catchy cover image, use blocks to create a dynamic layout, or choose a grid layout for a sleek look. If your theme offers it, play around with theme settings or the WordPress editor for endless creative customization ideas. Your blog page is your canvas; paint it your style!

What if I want a separate home page and a separate page for blog posts?

Easy peasy! WordPress loves giving you flexibility. When you create a new page (call it “Home” or anything else that feels like you), set it as your static home page in the SettingsReading area.

Then, make another page for your blog posts and select it as your ‘Posts page’. Voila! You’ve now got a shiny homepage to welcome visitors and a separate, bustling blog page brimming with your latest posts.

Remember, whether you’re sprucing up your business website or adding a personal touch to your blog, WordPress has got your back. Keep exploring different pages, categories, and themes.

Who knows?

You might just stumble upon something uniquely awesome.

More WordPress Resources;


We’ve walked through everything – from setting up your new blog page and posts page to letting your creativity fly with custom blog pages and category pages. You’ve got this, and your WordPress website is about to get a whole lot cooler!

Remember, whether it’s your first blog post, sprucing up different pages with a grid layout, or playing around with the homepage template, the power is in your hands.

WordPress gives you as many customization options as stars in the sky! Using the posts block, you can display blog posts in any style you imagine.

Want to show off your latest posts in a sleek, professionally designed theme?

Or maybe you’re into creating pages that shine with unique theme templates?

You got it!

By now, you know the ropes – your WordPress dashboard is the command center for your blog’s performance.

With the plugin license key, you can unlock even more creative customization ideas.

And don’t forget, search engines love those static pages and specific categories that help readers find exactly what they’re looking for in your sea of content.

Creating a separate WordPress blog page isn’t just about organization; it’s about giving your thoughts and stories a stage to sparkle.

It’s about making your WordPress site not just a website, but a hub of ideas and interactions.

Keep exploring, keep tweaking those theme settings, and remember, each new post on your separate blog page is a chance to dazzle your audience. WordPress isn’t just a platform; it’s your canvas.

Paint it with your passion, your ideas, and watch your blog index rise like a rocket. 🚀

To the outside world, it might look like magic. But you and I? We know it’s your hard work, your vision, and yes, a little bit of WordPress wizardry.

Keep adding those blog posts, creating pages, and remember – in the vast universe of the internet, your blog shines brightest.

Keep shining, creator. The world is ready for your mark. 🌍✨

Raman Singh

Raman is a digital marketing expert with over 8 years of experience. He has a deep understanding of various digital marketing strategies, including affiliate marketing. His expertise lies in technical SEO, where he leverages his skills to optimize websites for search engines and drive organic traffic. Raman is passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and sharing his knowledge to help businesses succeed in the online world.