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Break Social Media Habit

11 Ways to Break Social Media Habit

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Wondering how to break social media habits?

Are you tired of wasting hours on social media?

Do you feel like you’re addicted to social media and can’t break the habit?

If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Millions of people struggle with social media addiction every day. But luckily, there are ways to break the Social Media habit.

In this post, we’ll outline a few tips that can help you break your social media addiction and reclaim your time. So read on for more information!

break social media habit

Breaking your social media habit may seem impossible, but it’s easier than you think. Here are simple tips to help you get started.

Well! In recent years, the users of android phones or IOS phones have considerably increased and they tend to rely more on social media apps

Though the emergence of digital devices has gained a great scope in today’s world, their continuous usage of them tends to form an addictive behaviour.

According to a recent report, social media addiction crosses 210 million users in the world. An average adult who spends more than 5 hours on social sites is likely to get depression disorder.

What do mental health professionals say?

A social media addiction could bring about a negative impact on an individual’s physical health as well as his or her mental health leading to distress, negative feelings, and behavioural disorders. This in the long run may ruin their personal and social life

The average person spends over two hours on social media every day, and for some people, that number is much higher. If you find yourself spending too much time scrolling through your feed, it might be time to take a break.

Alert! It’s time to wake up and limit your time on the phone screen! 

1 Pros and Cons of Social Media

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We do not claim that you should completely avoid social media usage. There are so many beneficial online activities. 

The right approach to social sites is always open to enormous growth and opportunities.

Social media platforms facilitate faster communication, promote marketing, networking events, building relationships, sharing knowledge and many more. Also, provides numerous job opportunities. I could say, most of them have made their dream career here. 

But, prolonged usage of social media apps in your everyday life is really a serious issue. Immediate attention is required on it. It could hinder your daily behaviours and activities. Also, develop a mental health disorder. 

People waste their valuable time on unnecessary chats, comments on videos and photos. We can find this habit in plenty of adults and teenagers. This tends to deviate from their ambitions and goals, and start focusing more on these social sites. 

Research says that spending more than 3 hours on social sites will be detrimental to your health.

Health care providers claim that too much time spent on digital life causes addiction to devices. This may induce many imbalance states deep inside your body that could trigger anxiety, depression, irritation and other mental stress conditions.

You may also feel itchy eyes, tiredness, headaches, concentration problems and much more. The peace of your 

Of course! Digital life adds a lot of fun and entertainment to all age groups! And we need it to boost up our day. But, stick to the principle of a “30-minute social media time-out”. 

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and other social media leaders hit new ideas on the social sites to compete in the digital market. In fact, they are turning the minds of social media users.  

Do you know how much bad influence the trend of uploading videos/ photos has created?

Average adult uploads at least 3-4 photos or videos every single week to quench their thirst for fame. The Blacksheep in the society makes the wrong use of it. There are a lot of abusive people in the world who are ready to buy them for a huge price.

Social media usage also encourages fake conversations and connections with culprits, spoiling the life of innocent girls. 

All these social media habits pose a serious threat to society and internet users.

Facing numerous scenarios like this in our day-to-day life calls for an immediate Social media detox!

Social media cleanse/ detox is nothing but a willful act done to get rid of social media addiction. You reap a lot of benefits from it – save your time and energy, a positive beginning of the day, stress-free living, reduced anxiety, etc. 

2 How to Break Social Media Habit in 11 Easy Ways

Break Social Media Habit

Social media cleanse is yet a powerful tool to break the social media addiction. It’s not magic that is going to happen overnight. Please note that the cold-turkey approach will never give hand in this. Social media detox should occur gradually. It takes a few weeks for some individuals and months for case of certain people.

Ooh! You can easily keep yourself away from social media apps by just following these 11 simple steps. Let’s go with it!

2.1 List and focus on your priorities in life 

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Make a list of your life goals and create a plan of action marching towards it.

A man without dreams does not live his life completely. Some may have the aim of owning a car, and some may dream of buying a new house. Start focusing your time on achieving your dream. 

The sense of achievement makes you feel pride and motivates you to succeed more in your life! 

2.2 Read More, Watch Less

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Spare your free time to enrich your knowledge. Read books! There are also many online articles to load you with adequate information. Scroll through those social media feeds. There is no end to learning. Learning something new every day self-drives and builds up confidence in you.

If you love writing, prepare to create your own blogs. Put all your learnings in your own content style. Bloggers have a great opportunity to earn money in this technological world.

2.3 More activities with Family/Friends

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Most relationships today break up because of a lack of communication and misunderstanding.

A good-versus-bad conversation matters! Begin a fresh conversation! Seek advice, and open up suggestions for an actual connection to happen between your relations. 

Play with your kids, share your experiences, and hang out with your friends. The world will explore new adventures for you if you are ready to spend time on them.

Go on live with your family or friends and make it a precious moment of your life as far as you can! 

2.4 First Write Down The Purpose of using Social media Apps 

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Are you aware that almost 70% of the users spend time on social platforms without any purpose?

If we question them, a 10-year-old kid will reply that he will watch amazing cat videos on youtube, and an adolescent guy will say that he will make 15-minute video chats with his colleagues.

Do you think that this is Social networking? The art of networking demands a professional approach to succeed. 

This is not going to offer any reward. A mere waste of all of your time and efforts. That’s it! Time once spent cannot be taken back! So, use it wisely.

2.5 Turn off Push Notifications

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Once you decide to break social media habits, turn off push notifications first. Or else, it may drag you again into the same path. 

It’s quite usual that once you look at the social media icons, you would like to open them immediately with curiosity.

To avoid this, turning off notifications is highly recommended. You can also try putting your phone in aeroplane mode in some instances.

A small change in the social media settings could bring about a great impact on the behaviour of android users.

2.6 Complete Removal Of Social Sites/App

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Initiate to remove the social media apps that are not useful to you. Gradually, you can eradicate all other social sites from your phone at a later time.

This would provide great relief to overcome your behaviour addicts to social sites.

Also, try to completely remove the social media apps if not productive to you in any means.

2.7 21 Day Rule

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What’s this 21-day rule? It aids in habit formation. Proved as a workable principle all over the world. Anything done for 21 days becomes your habit.

To break your social media habit, you should avoid using it continuously for at least 21 days.

And if you sustain this challenge for more than 21 days and can up to 90 days, then it forms your permanent daily behaviour. 

Stick to this 21-day rule now and trap your social media addiction!

2.8 Watch Your Screen Time and Reduce Daily

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Check out how much time you are spending on your devices. Set the time limit and start practising it on a regular basis. Make sure that you don’t spend more than 30 minutes on social media platforms.

You can even set the alert note on your phone settings to remind you of over-usage. Place your phone away from you when not in use. This will reduce the frequency of its usage. 

2.9 Substitute the time spent on Social media

Remaining idle may urge you to be involved in bad social networking. So, keep yourself busy. Think about how you can utilize your time optimally. Concentrate on monetising your extra time!

Take up freelancing projects that allow you to work at a comfortable time with good pay. 

Clean your house, and help your housemates with their work. Find out your other interests and make it a hobby. Did you know that gardening is a great stress buster! 

2.10 Hangout in real than on social media

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Wanna speak to your friend for a long time? Meet them up instead of having lengthy chats. An in-person 10-minute conversation could be more effective than a long message. Make a visit to your relative’s house.

Instead of adding smileys and emojis, make beautiful photography of yours. Capture baby photos with a beautiful smile, shoot adventurous photos and so on. Engage yourself in social welfare activities. It will leave a complete gratification feeling in you.

There are more fun frolic activities streaming all day live. Go for it. Trust us! This could eliminate your loneliness, social fear, and depression disorders and improve your mental health greatly. 

2.11 Reward yourself some food for your daily achievement 

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Set the target for you on limiting the daily screen time on your digital devices. And reward yourself for accomplishing it. Reduce your target time slows down on the basis of the previous achievement.  

An appreciation in the form of gifts, or rewards motivates one to achieve more. It need not be a costly one. Even a small treat acts as a token of appreciation. 

What’s next? Take your first move towards social media detox with these 11 easy ways.

3 Why simply quitting social media isn’t enough

It’s really not that easy to come out of addictive behaviour. Complete avoidance of social media usage at first instance may put some people on adverse mental health issues, said to a Behavioral health therapist. 

Cold turkey though may benefit some, will affect the Psychol health of many. Thus, it is advisable to come out of social media habits gradually. You can follow up on the aforesaid 11 simple ways to get rid of this social media addiction.

Do you feel bored? Assign an interesting task for you! Do you feel lonely? Make a party out with friends! Are you depressed? Express your feelings, share your emotions. Go for a relaxing walk at the beach.

Focus on your health! Go for a walk, practise regular exercise. Develop some hobbies that make you feel free and relaxed. Travel the world. 

These are ideally a good way of spending your idle/ extra time. Also, they would help a lot to overcome your tension, stress, anxiety and other behavioural disorders. 

4 Conclusion 

Social media apps have brought the whole world in your hand, and showcase every single happening in the world. No doubt about it! Social media platforms are very influential and have the power to make something more impactful or not in trend lines. But, it has an addictive substance that enables you to make an endless scroll all day.  

A current study on social media activity reports that under the age group of 23-38, 40% suffer from social media addiction. The addiction percentage is high among the 18-22 age people, whereas, in the case of old age people, social media usage is considerably low. Teenage people are more prone to depression, memory problems, uncontrollable emotions and other mental health issues because of this addictive behaviour.  

You can find the number of users of specs has drastically increased in recent years. Most adolescents prefer to be alone by avoiding social catch-ups. The aggressive behavioural disorders rate was found to be on the upside. All these contribute towards affecting your physical health as well. 

If you don’t take a break from social media sites now, soon you will see the devastating path of your life. When the beautiful world waits for you outside, why do you want to hang out with a digital life?

Keep your android phones away, 

And start living a real-life!


Written by Raman Singh

Raman is a digital marketing expert with over 8 years of experience. He has a deep understanding of various digital marketing strategies, including affiliate marketing. His expertise lies in technical SEO, where he leverages his skills to optimize websites for search engines and drive organic traffic. Raman is passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and sharing his knowledge to help businesses succeed in the online world.